Junior School

The playground is full of laughter & play again as Ormiston welcomed back students for Term 2!

Connected Community

CGGS was thrilled to host iconic musical duo, Vika & Linda Bull last night.


This week we hear an Easter reflection from CGGS School Chaplain, Helen Creed.

Secondary School

It has been a busy end to the Term with House Music, Language & Culture Week and huge success in the water!

Junior School

It has been busy fortnight at Ormiston with House Athletics, Mountfield Maestros and Kindness Day.

Connected Community

The PFA was thrilled with the amazing turnout at the inaugural Moonlight Movie Night!


This week Mrs Dunwoody speaks about our Upskill Program & how it is preparing our students for life-long learning.

Secondary School

We reflect on a busy fortnight which included International Women’s Day, Drama Tour, Swimming & Diving and much more.

Junior School

This week Murrundindi visited Junior School, our ELC students were extra busy and our Swim Team excelled.

Connected Community

This week we reflect on some amazing community events, as well as some upcoming community events.

Create Your Tomorrow