Junior School

The ELC students were visited by a very special musical guest this week!

Connected Community

The PFA is pleased to announce their committee for 2024/2025 and welcomes interested parents to join.


This week, Mrs Dunwoody shares an exciting project with Harvard and offers tips on coping with distressing news.

Secondary School

We were pleased to hear of some fantastic student achievements that took place over the holidays.

Junior School

Year 4 ventured to the Secondary School Science Labs at the end of last Term for a ‘Day of STEAM’!

Connected Community

The School is excited to announce ticket sales for the 2024 Mother’s Day Breakfast are now open.


School Chaplain, Helen Creed shares an Easter message with the community as we head into the school holidays.

Secondary School

The Secondary School has been full of House spirit this past fortnight, with Hosue Dance, Music and Cross Country taking place.

Junior School

Our Year 5 & 6 students are flying into the Term 1 holidays after a fantastic week in Phillip Island!

Connected Community

Thank you to the guests and volunteers who made the Moonlight Movie Night so special.

Create Your Tomorrow