This week Mrs Dunwoody discusses CGGS' history of implementing effective instructional practices to support learning. She also shares the 2024 Parent survey feedback.
Welcome back to Term 3. We hope our students, staff and families are ready for an exciting term ahead.
Thank you to Years 7-9 Middle School families who made the time to meet with our staff for Learning Conversations. We know our teachers valued this opportunity to discuss your child’s progress, as well as identify areas for growth in their learning. Learning Conversations were followed by the Athletics Carnival and after two attempts at this highly anticipated event, we were finally in luck. The weather was perfect and the atmosphere was filled with energy. Throughout the day, students showcased their athleticism, house spirit and camaraderie among teammates. We hope you enjoy reading the Athletics reflection, composed by Head of Sport, Nareen Robinson.
Overall, the first week has been characterised by joy and a renewed sense of energy and gusto for the term ahead. Throughout the term, there are many ways to stay connected and informed about your child’s learning and progress. The myCGGS portal enables access to all subjects, as well as assessment tasks, feedback and marks. Additionally, the Year 8-10 2024 Information Evening on Monday 17 July will provide an important opportunity to learn more about the curriculum offering, including elective subjects.
Finally, with the annual School Production just around the corner, we wish the cast, tech and design crew and the staff all the best in the final preparations.
Kath Woolcock
Head of Senior School
Kate Giles
Head of Middle School
From street performances at the Brandenburg Tor to choral singing in one of the oldest churches in Berlin to the awesome food markets of Munich– these are just some of the highlights that took German students learning beyond the classroom on their recent study tour to Germany. Not only did the students hone their language skills at the Inlingua Sprachzentrum in Berlin, but they also applied their navigating skills in a world-class underground train system and engaged with locals to make purchases. A wonderful opportunity to build friendships across countries took place when former Ormiston student, Julia Klages, joined her former classmates for a few days on the tour. The impact of the experiences of the recent three weeks stretches far beyond the obvious as the students developed cultural understanding and open-mindedness, learned to be resilient and adaptable and put their German learning in context through “real-world” experiences. Here are some of the reflections that Hannah, Sarah, Eloise and Elysia shared about their experiences.
What was the best food that you experienced?
Sarah: My Lieblingsessen (favourite food) was the Döner Kebab. It features many different elements of meat and vegetables that are covered in sauces in between round pastry. Although it is not a food that originates from Germany, Turkish cuisine was influential in shaping the street food we see in places such as Berlin today.
Elysia: The best meal: the Wirtshaus am Bavariapark in Munich. We were served large platters filled with pork knuckle, Wurst, Schnitzel and Kartoffelknödel – an absolute feast!
What was the best museum or attraction?
Hannah: The best museum we visited would without doubt be the Futurium. This is an interactive futuristic exhibition about technology, along with how it can change the world, featuring three areas, home, nature and human science. I also liked the Sanssouci Palace.
Eloise: My favourite museum was the Dachau Concentration Camp Memorial as it allowed me to learn more about the confronting German history and experience what we’re learning in history class in person.
Where did you have the best view?
Sarah: The best and most unique view was from inside Neuschwanstein Castle. You could see the decorations and details of the rooms as well as the view of the Alps from the window.
Eloise: The sunset over Nuremberg town from the walls of an old castle. It is so different to Australia.
What was the best train journey?
Sarah: Our train trip from Berlin to München was one of the longer trips which passed through many cities so it was incredible to watch the landscape change as we passed through the countryside and the cities.
What did you enjoy most in Berlin?
Hannah: Visiting the Marienkirche and attending a Sunday service in German was one of the most rewarding experiences. The music from the children’s choir and the organ was phenomenal and really created a sense of spirituality.
Sarah: East Side Gallery was my highlight of Berlin. It was a different interpretation of Germany’s history that related to the timeline of events and reflected the impact of the history on German citizens.
What activity did you most enjoy in the other cities?
Eloise: In the Nightwatch Tour in Munich we learned about medieval life from a man dressed up as a night guard. He explained the tasks that a night watch performed and provided historical context for the city and many of the buildings still standing from the Middle Ages.
Sarah: The buskers playing to a large crowd under the view of the sunset and grand church in Marienplatz, Munich.
What was your funniest moment on the tour?
Elysia: My funniest memory was by the lake near Neuschwanstein Castle. There was a swan that we all thought was going to attack us.
Hannah: Creating a selfie in Munich with a Mad Hatter from Alice in Wonderland.
Eloise: Testing our newly learned German phrases whilst watching a German comedy show.
What is your number one highlight?
Hannah: Old city in Nürnburg
Eloise: Old city in Nürnburg
Sarah: Neuschwanstein Castle
Elysia: newly formed friendships on the tour
How did you apply your German on the trip?
Elysia: I used German the whole time throughout our trip, especially when ordering food in restaurants and in language school. We spoke a lot and learnt new words. We were writing in German during the days at language school.
Hannah: I apologised in German, read German menus, followed German directions on maps and also asked for directions in German.
Sarah: I talked to many of the other students on the trip in German.
Eloise: In small day to day conversations, such as at the bakeries. I was able to pick up many conversation tricks from these encounters and even without speaking, listening to others talk in German helped me to learn more without knowing.
What was your favourite German word or expression?
Eloise: ‘Ich verstehe nur Bahnhof’ which literally means ‘ I only understand the train station’. It means that you do not understand at all.
Sarah and Hannah: “Genau” (meaning ‘exactly’). It is a great substitute for saying “ja” all the time and is used to say that you agree.
Elysia: My favourite expression was ‘Hast du Tomaten auf den Augen?’. It’s a phrase that essentially asks ‘why did you not see it?’ by saying the person who didn’t see has tomatoes on their eyes.
The saying on the wall of the Inlingua Sprachzentrum mirrors what the students take with them from this experience: Learning is a treasure that will follow the owner everywhere.
Ingrid Beck
German Teacher
Karoline Walter
Head of Geography
What a magnificent day we had at the annual House Athletics carnival on Wednesday. The weather was perfect and the new venue, Duncan Mackinnon Reserve, provided extra space and shelter if we needed it.
The sea of house colour is always a wonderful sight and the students displayed emphatic enthusiasm and spirit throughout the day. As is tradition, the Year 12 students choose a theme for their house costume and this year we had the Lawrence Boxers, the Schofield Tradies, Singleton Cookie Monsters and Taylor Jungle Wranglers.
With a huge variety of events, all students were able to compete, with each competitor earning valuable points for their house. The novelty relay events are always chaotic and entertaining and it was fantastic to see so many students involved.
A new addition to the program this year was the introduction of a 100m Champions Handicap race that included students from each year level. The fastest individual 100m times from the mornings heats determined the participants and our Head Athletics Coach, Nick then calculated the handicap for each student. The Year 12 entrants Sasha and Natalie were starting on 0m and were giving up to a 5m head start to our youngest competitors Eden and Misaki. In a very exciting race, all students fought incredibly hard in front of a loud and appreciative crowd, with Sasha F crowned the winner. A fitting end to her House athletics journey with CGGS as the 2023 School Sports Captain.
With many phenomenal individual achievements on the day, I congratulate every single student and the way in which they competed, displayed integrity and sportsmanship and cheered for their house.
At the end of the day, Lawrence were crowned the 2023 Champions and took home the coveted Spirit Stick Award. Congratulations Lawrence, a fantastic effort from you all and ably led by Isla and Ashleigh (Sport Captains) and Jennelle and Annie (House Captains).
Year level champions will be awarded at the next Senior School Assembly.
Nareen Robinson
Head of Sport
One of the most eagerly anticipated days of the year, is the arrival of the Year 12 leavers jumper. It was awaiting the students return from holidays on Tuesday and the common room was quickly overrun by excited students unwrapping and trying their hoodies on.
They are designed by the students, with each form group having input into the early designs and then the year level voting on their most preferred colour, design, logos etc. In keeping with our year level theme, each student in the 2023 group is affectionately known as “Things” from the classic Dr Seuss Cat in the Hat and Things 1 and Things 2 story. Our hoodies have each “thing” number proudly embroidered on the sleeve which is a unique design feature and embodies the fun and joy we are having together this year.
Nareen Robinson
Year 12 Coordinator
As part of the Upskill program, HEX have collaborated on a Money micro-course; designed to support our Senior School students in their sequential financial literacy journey.
This particular HEX program, complements the additional financial literacy workshops that our students in Years 10-12 participate in, presented by Ali Larkey, from the organisation Speaking of Money. We were fortunate to have both HEX supporting our Year 11 students and Speaking of Money, our Year 10 and 12 students in our most recent Upskill program. Starting in Year 8 and Year 9 Commerce, CGGS students have the opportunity to have continuous financial literacy touch points throughout their senior schooling, building not only knowledge but confidence as they grow in independence.
Throughout the immersive afternoon of sharing insights, ideas and questions about money, guided by the HEX team, Year 11 had the opportunity to explore various aspects of finance and its impact on their lives. They delved into topics like cryptocurrency, non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and alternative currencies as well as superannuation and investments, gaining insights into the significance of these topics and the risks involved. Additionally, students considered their own perspectives on money, the incentives that drive their own spending and those of others, as well reflected on money mindsets and habits. To close off the day, the students explored the pitfalls and principles of buying and selling online and learnt about the power of share and circular economies to bridge equity divides and other challenges.
One of the main goals of this HEX program is to encourage students to reflect on their own money personality, ambitions and habits. They had the chance to explore their financial goals and aspirations, while also learning how to confidently talk about their wealth ambitions, something that in young women is especially important.
More broadly, the active discussions and activities allowed our students to enhance their communication skills and critical thinking abilities, as well as organisation, initiative, and leadership, which are all part of the CGGS suite of transferable skills.
For our Year 10 and Year 12 students, sessions on Taxes and Ethics and Options for Wealth Building respectively, were the focus of workshops. With the end of financial year having just ticked over, the timing was perfect for our Year 10s to dive into Tax Lingo and get savvy with tax deductions and minimising payable tax. Similarly practical at Year 12, their workshop explored options for wealth building as they looked at what it really takes for successful future planning.
Empowering students to better navigate modern workplaces and industries and develop their financial literacy is a key component to the Upskill program across Years 10-12. Partnering with female founded and led organisations such as HEX and Speaking of Money, intentionally positions our students to learn these essential financial literacy skills and knowledge from women and for women.
Kate Manners
Director of Strategic Initiatives
The Education Outdoor Curriculum is designed to provide students with a safe and supportive environment where they can step outside their comfort zone.
The recent Year 10 Camp was held in the picturesque Grampians (Gariwerd) National Park, in Halls Gap. One of the highlights of this camp is the element of choice that is built into the experience. Students are empowered to take on an active role in designing their camp experience, playing to their interests and strengths . One option involved rock climbing and abseiling at local crags in Halls Gap while another option allowed students to venture into the remote Bundaleer range, where some even took on the daring challenge of a 60-metre abseil. The third option incorporated hiking and exploring notable landmarks along the 3 Peaks Trail, such as the Pinnacle and Mt Rosea.
In addition to hiking and climbing, the program also offered group initiatives to enhance the overall experience. Students participated in an Amazing Race around Halls Gap, enjoyed high ropes challenges, tried their hand at archery, and even played adventure golf. Furthermore, they were assigned meal duty groups, which added a sense of responsibility and teamwork to the camp.
Overall, the Year 10 Camp exemplified the Education Outdoor Curriculum goal of providing students with increasingly challenging experiences while catering to their individual needs. The camp allowed students to immerse themselves in nature, push their boundaries, and foster personal and group growth through a range of exciting activities.
Shane Maycock
Education Outdoors Coordinator
Salome and I were both selected to represent the delegation of Victoria in the first UN Youth National Conference since COVID-19.
We went to Perth with 8 other state representatives for a duration of 6 days where we took part in committee debates (some inside Perth Parliament House), general assembly debates, extensive workshops with the focus of international relations under the theme of globalisation, social events, Interactive Problem Solving activities, met with several politicians, philanthropists, ECU university lecturers, UN representatives, a journalist and went sight-seeing around Perth.
Overall, this experience is one that we will never forget and has inspired a dream within to change the world.
Grace B and Salome O
This week Mrs Dunwoody discusses CGGS' history of implementing effective instructional practices to support learning. She also shares the 2024 Parent survey feedback.
Our athletes at the secondary school have had a busy fortnight filled with multiple carnivals, achieving many team and individual successes.
The PFA was thrilled to support the biggest event on the Junior School calendar last Friday, the Twilight Picnic.
We acknowledge and pay respect to the Wurundjeri people as the traditional custodians of the land on which the school is situated.
Secondary School / Administration
2 Torrington Street, Canterbury
Victoria 3126 Australia
T +61 3 9813 1166
F +61 3 9882 9248
Junior School / Ormiston