
Junior School

Years 5 & 6 Camp – Phillip Island Adventure Resort

 The time had finally arrived for our Years 5 & 6 students to head-off for their annual camp at the end of Term 1. This year for the very first time, Mr Maycock, our Education Outdoors Coordinator organised for the Years 5 & 6 students to attend the very popular Phillip Island Adventure Resort in Cowes. The 4-day program included outdoor and indoor activities such as archery, giant swing, twin flying fox, canoeing, crate climb, initiatives, disc golf, local beach visit and a surprise visit from Murrundindi on Wednesday. There was so much to do!

The new Phillip Island location had outstanding facilities and our students thoroughly enjoyed their time experiencing new activities and spending extended time in their cabins with their friends. The theme throughout the camp was for students to have a growth mindset, to try new experiences and to challenge themselves at activities they had not completed before. It was clear by the end of camp that all staff and students were tired but had a very positive experience throughout the week.

I would like to thank Mr Maycock for all his work in preparing such a challenging and age appropriate camp experience for our Years 5 & 6 students. I would also like to thank Ms Soci, Mr Goodwin, Ms Gill, Ms Ou and Ms Hinchliffe in making the camp a success for everyone involved.

Harmony Day at Ormiston

Last Thursday the students at Ormiston celebrated Harmony Day. Harmony Day honours cultural diversity and inclusiveness, respect for each other and belonging. The students participated in several lunchtime activities. In one activity students explored greeting phrases in different languages. Students taught each other greetings in the languages that were familiar to them, and searched with the assistance of an iPad greetings in languages they were interested in. In another activity, students drew line drawings of themselves, with particular attention to the details that make each of them unique. These drawings were then used to make a paper doll chain, highlighting how we are all valued and unique, but connected to each other via community and shared values.


Thank you to Liz Warren, Year 6 Social Service Leaders and the Student Council representatives for organising these activities.

I would like to wish our Ormiston school community a restful holiday and Easter this weekend. Students are required back at Junior School on Tuesday 16 April.

Paul Donohue
Head of Junior School

Regional Swimming Competition

Last Friday, five students from Year 5 and 6 proudly represented CGGS at the 2024 Eastern Metropolitan Primary Region Swimming Championships at Aquanation in Ringwood. Selection for this event is very competitive, so we were thrilled to be taking our largest team to date to the competition.

Cathy G, Alessandra R, Claire Z and Faya L (Year 5) participated in the Medley relay race placing 10th in an extremely fast race where the regional record was broken. Ivy X, Alessandra R and Claire Z also competed in individual 50m events and demonstrated their grit and resilience against strong competition. Claire was awarded a bronze medal for the 11-year-old 50 metre backstroke event.

Congratulations to all the students for their achievements at this event.

Nancy Robottom
Deputy Head of Junior School

Year 4-6 House Cross Country

Last Tuesday 19th March, students in years 4 – 6 participated in the House Cross Country event at Shenley Grounds. The event is aimed at promoting physical activity and encouraging students to stay persistent in their efforts. The track is a challenging 2km or 3 km race, depending on the runners age, navigating through rough terrain and hills. It was so wonderful to see our students in years 4 – 6 having fun, trying their best and cheering each other on to cross the finish line.

At our Junior School Assembly we have been discussing and reflecting on the value of commitment. Cross Country events can be incredibly challenging, both physically and mentally, and students faced difficulties, such as cramps, exhaustion and injuries. With commitment to their training and to the challenge, along with support from both teachers and peers, students were able to persevere and complete the race.

Participation was the key focus of the day and it was fantastic to see all students in Years 4 – 6 try their best and complete the course. The event was divided into 3 age groups, 9/10 year olds, 11 year olds and 12/13 year olds. Congratulations to those students that finished in the top 10 for their age group. They will be heading off to District Cross Country in Term 2 to represent CGGS. Finally, while everyone did incredibly well tackling the track and the windy, hot weather, the winning House on the day was SINGLETON! Congratulations SINGLETON!

Kim James
Junior School PE Teacher

Year 6 Energy sessions

This term in Inquiry, the Year 6s have been addressing the big question, ‘How can we use energy in a sustainable way?’.

Students have had the opportunity to use the resources of the Secondary School laboratories to enrich their studies as they investigate different types of kinetic and potential energy. They have also practised their science skills of observation and recording, and shared experiences of how energy can be transformed and transferred by taking part in a series of hands-on activities. This incorporated bouncing balls, lighting candles, evaporating water, and striking a tuning fork.

Year 6 have conducted research into the different types of energy sources, and we are looking forward to seeing the students put their theory into practice at their Learning Expo in Term 2. We welcome all families to attend the Learning Expo.

Jasvindar Gill and Rebecca Leondidis
Year 6 Classroom Teachers

Foundation - Personal History Museums

To support our Inquiry topic this term, ‘Who am I?’ and ‘What is special to my family?’, the Foundation students created a Personal History Museum. In their museum they created and collected pictures, special artefacts and timelines to find out more about themselves and their families over the course of the term. To conclude this unit, the students presented their museums to their Year 5 buddies. The Foundation students had a wonderful time telling their buddies all about themselves and showing them what makes them unique and special.

We learnt that all families can be different, so I told my buddy what my family was like. – Chelsea

I loved telling my buddy all about my family and showing her pictures from my holiday. – Olivia M

 I enjoyed sitting with my buddy and showing her my special gemstones. We talked about the colours of the stones and their names. – Selena

Avina displayed confidence in vocabulary, including adjectives. She said: ‘This is my family and this is me holding my big, fluffy dog.’ – Cathy (Year 5 buddy)

I enjoyed Abigail’s museum so much. One specific item was really interesting and stood out to me. It was her timeline. It showed what happened starting from when she was born through to now, where Abigail is in Foundation. It also included when she did her big family trip to Singapore and when she went to the beach. I found it interesting to read and ask questions about what each place in her timeline was about and as a result, I started to learn more about her family. I enjoyed this experience thoroughly and can’t wait to see her again in Term Two! – Alessandra (Year 5 buddy)

Mikaela Stanaway and Selena Reedman
Foundation Classroom Teachers

Life in a New School

With Term 1 coming to an end, our new Year 5 students have reflected on their time here at Ormiston and the challenges of starting a new school.

When we started at CGGS, we all felt nervous and scared. Our teachers are really nice to us. We are learning new subjects every day and enhancing our knowledge.

What we are enjoying about our new school?

Olivia: “I get to play with new friends, I get a new teacher, different specialists, and new instruments.”

Isabella: “I like the new learning and my own locker and a pristine environment and playground, new friends as well.”

What are some challenges about starting at a new school?

Elva: “Some challenges are to wake up earlier than normal; the new people and different friends.

Wendy: “The challenge for me is speaking English. It’s because it is my second language.”

Mila: “The challenge is that it is an only girl school and having to adjust to the timetable.”

Shirley: “Making new friends and trying new instruments is challenging.”

What other reflections do you have about your new school?

Mahva: “Starting here, everyone has been nice to me, and I am looking forward to camp.”

Sienna: “There are different teachers and fun subjects, with new things to learn.”

Caitlyn: “As soon as I stepped into the classroom, I immediately felt welcomed with new friends.”

Angela: “I like the lunch order menu; the food is REALLY GOOD!” 

Year 5 students


This week Mrs Dunwoody discusses CGGS' history of implementing effective instructional practices to support learning. She also shares the 2024 Parent survey feedback.

Secondary School

Our athletes at the secondary school have had a busy fortnight filled with multiple carnivals, achieving many team and individual successes.

Junior School

This week, our Junior School swimmers celebrated their best results to date!

Connected Community

The PFA was thrilled to support the biggest event on the Junior School calendar last Friday, the Twilight Picnic.

Create Your Tomorrow