
Junior School

Ormiston Spirit Awards – Semester One

At last week’s Junior School Assembly, numerous students across Foundation to Year 6 were selected to receive our prestigious Ormiston Spirit Award for their efforts throughout Semester One. Our Ormiston teachers are always looking out for students who are consistently displaying our CGGS School Values of integrity, respect, commitment, hope and courage throughout their learning, including their active participation in co-curricular activities. I would like to congratulate the students below who received our prestigious Ormiston Spirit Award for Semester One.

Chloe V

Year 1
Summer C

Year 2
Charlotte B

Year 3
Lily K

Year 4
Janice P

Year 5G
Kaylee P

Year 5S
Abigail L

Year 6L
Sophie M

Year 6G
Ellie T

Foundation – Year 3 Art
Joelle W


Year 4 – 6 Art
Alina H

Foundation – Year 3 Physical Education
Hailey H

Year 4 – 6 Physical Education
Audrey C

Foundation – 3 Music
Olivia D

Year 4 – 6 Music
Joyce Z

Foundation – Year 3 Library
Annie H

Year 4 – 6 Library
Stephanie L

Anshika A

Chinese Heritage
Jaslene N

Chinese Mainstream
Aurelia P

Rubyrose G

Wishing all our Ormiston families a restful weekend.

Yours sincerely,

Paul Donohue
Head of Junior School

Early Learning 4 Part-Time - A Performing Orchestra

The Early Learning children had an opportunity to observe, listen, engage, appreciate, and participate in a performing orchestra led by the Year 5 and 6 Junior School students, as part of their Music specialist learning program with Mrs Nichole Adams. The array of instruments included a Violin, Viola, Cello, Double Bass, Clarinet, Flute, Oboe, Bassoon, French Horn, Trumpet, Trombone, Euphonium, Xylophone, and Glockenspiel. The children were introduced to the different instrumental families including the strings, percussion, brass, and woodwind.

During the session children identified and categorized instruments; watched and listened to performances; engaged in singing; and participated as a conductor of an orchestra. In reflection, Xavier from the Early Learning 4 Part-Time classroom commented “It sounds like they were talking to each other, some had low sounds, and some had really high sounds”, making note of the pitch. Whilst Ariel appreciated the harmony of all the instruments stating, “They sound beautiful together”.

A huge thank you to Joyce, Iris, Lauren, Hanna, Alina, Ava, Ruth, Kyla, and Mrs Adams for sharing their time, knowledge, and skills with us.

Esther Wong
Early Learning 4 Teacher & Early Learning Coordinator

Early Learning 4 Full-Time

When you are kind to others, it not only changes you, it changes the world.  – Harold Kushner

As inquirers, as part of finding out about some of the concepts and language from Positive Education, the children discovered they each have an invisible bucket. Through stories, songs and discussions, the children developed an understanding about how their invisible bucket holds all their good thoughts and feelings about themselves, and how they feel happy and at their best when their bucket is full and overflowing. The children also discovered that when they choose to fill a person’s bucket, they in turn fill their own bucket too. Intentional teaching was used to explicitly teach and reinforce and highlight when children were being bucket fillers and the impact their words and actions have on themselves and their peers. Through teaching these valuable life skills in the classroom, we’re providing the children with the capacity to learn effectively and build a strong foundation on which they can engage with and relate positively to their peers.

We also engaged in discussions and read stories about acts of kindness. We referred to the story Kindness by Zanni Louise to make connections with ways we can demonstrate kindness in our everyday lives. The children discovered that kindness is being generous with our words and actions and there are many ways to be kind. Within the classroom, we explored how kindness comes in many forms and that even a small act of kindness can make a difference and fill someone’s bucket.

As researchers, we viewed visual images to help us develop an understanding about homelessness. As communicators, through dialogue we identified how we could demonstrate kindness and support children and adults in our community who may be experiencing homelessness or may not have enough money to buy food. As compassionate and kind citizens, we participated in the Winter Warmth Appeal and brought food and toiletries to school, so we could make a difference to the lives of others.

Through their participation in the Winter Warmth Appeal, the children experienced that when we work together, take action, and demonstrate kindness, we can create positive change and make a difference to ourselves and others.

Angela Follacchio
Early Learning 4 Teacher

Firefighters visit Foundation!

There was a lot of excitement in Foundation last week when they were lucky enough to have two separate visits from the Fire Fighters at Hawthorn Fire Station. During the first session, the students learned about how to stay safe if there is a fire in your house. They practised Stop, Drop, Cover and Roll, and saw the Fire Fighters dressed in their full uniform. On the second session the students went outside to see the Fire Engine and learn about some of the important equipment Fire Fighters use. They even got to sit inside the Fire Truck and have a go at spraying the fire hose. It was fantastic to see the students so engaged and enthusiastic during this learning experience.

Firefighters are really busy, they have lots of emergencies to go to. – Agnes

They rescue people from cars and animals from trees. – Elliana

I liked spraying the hose like a real firefighter. – Lyra

When there is a fire you have to Crawl Down Low and Go Go Go. – Alicia

They have so much equipment and a really long ladder to reach things that are tall. – Alicia S

In my house I found 4 smoke alarms. – Jane

They need to be really brave, strong and healthy. – Michelle

Inside the Fire Truck was really loud. – Lilian

These visits linked perfectly with the Inquiry Unit this term where the students explored the roles of different community helpers. The students have gained valuable knowledge on the roles of many different professionals and their importance within the community.

Rachel McElhatton
Foundation Term 3 Classroom Teacher

Year 3 Poetry

Year 3 have been exploring different types of poems, with a specific focus on using adjectives and verbs to create description and imagery.

Cinquain poems are five-lined poems that contain vivid imagery and convey a certain mood or emotion. They follow a specific format:

Line 1: One word (a noun, the subject of the poem)

Line 2: Two words (adjectives that describe the subject in line 1)

Line 3: Three words (-ing action verbs that relate to the subject in line 1)

Line 4: Four words (a phrase or sentence that relates feelings about the subject in line 1)

Line 5: One word (a synonym for the subject in line 1 or a word that sums it up)

The Year 3 students have experimented with using the five senses, synonyms, and metaphors to enhance their writing and have produced some great cinquain poems.

Red, precious
Special, fragile, beautiful
People can’t stop looking
Elsa L

giant, friendly
shining, flying, caring
A beautiful helping creature
Sofia R





cute, soft
eating, playing, sleeping,
Licking their fur clean
Estelle K

Fun, scary
Eating, screaming, crying
Watching with my family
Alice L

Powerful, tough
Running, Guarding, Hunting
Protecting my family’s home
Olivia D

Liz Warren
Year 3 Classroom Teacher

Year 5 Leadership Guest Speakers

Cr Deirdre Diamante
Mayor Diamante visited CGGS to speak to Year 5 about leadership. We were incredibly lucky to have her visit our school, because her schedule is very busy as the mayor of Manningham. This term, the Year 5s have been looking into the meaning of leadership in Inquiry, and Cr Diedre’s visit was a part of their research into what a leader is. They prepared a long list of questions, which Mayor Diamante dutifully answered; like “Who or What inspires you to be a leader?”, and “Why did you choose to become the mayor?”. Her wisdom has certainly made it a lot clearer for us to understand what a true leader is: someone who will help others and speak out when no one else will.

Quynh B on behalf of Year 5

Mrs Davina McClure
Mrs Davina McClure, our Deputy Principal at Camberwell Girls Grammar School, visited the Year 5 students to discuss leadership with them.

“The standards you walk past are the standards you accept” is the quote that Mrs McClure began with. She explained to us that leadership is about serving others and working in a team. Leaders put others before themselves and make decisions for the good of the team. Leadership is a mindset and knowing the people you work with. Representing your values and leading in an environment that supports them are important parts of leadership. Mrs McClure told us that sometimes the most inspirational influences are the people around you. Mrs McClure is a leader because she serves others and inspires her peers to be the best they can be. 

Abigail L on behalf of Year 5

Year 5 & 6 Taekwondo

In Term 3 as part of the Physical Education curriculum, the Year 5 and 6 students have participated in a 4 week Taekwondo unit. The lessons have been taught by Joyce and Benecia from Weiwu Taekwondo. It was lovely to welcome back Benecia who is an ex-student to CGGS and a fantastic role model for our Junior School students. After completing her studies at CGGS, Benecia went on to build her career around her passion of Taekwondo and now works alongside her mother Joyce running Weiwu Taekwondo.

There are many benefits of Taekwondo training. It helps children build their self-esteem, gives them better self-discipline and control, helps them in social situations, keeps them active and physically fit, show respect for others. It also teaches children  lessons learned from failing, gives them goals to aim for as well as improved focus.

The students enjoyed learning various kicking techniques, defensive blocks and sparing with a partner. The highlight was the board breaking that was attempted by all students in Week 4!

Across the past weeks in taekwondo, I have learnt various techniques when kicking, punching and in self-defence. I have improved on my balance when kicking and punching. This has been an excellent experience. – Charlotte T

In PE, Year 5 and Year 6 have been learning taekwondo. We learnt how to punch, kick and we even did board breaking! Overall, learning taekwondo was an amazing experience,  and I would love to do it again! – Aneira P

My taekwondo journey throughout the term started with kicking and blocking my partners defence moves.  I then gradually got to break boards. This 4 week program was the best PE lesson I have ever experienced . I wish this subject could go forever! – Cleo S

Kim James
Physical Education Teacher


This week Mrs Dunwoody discusses CGGS' history of implementing effective instructional practices to support learning. She also shares the 2024 Parent survey feedback.

Secondary School

Our athletes at the secondary school have had a busy fortnight filled with multiple carnivals, achieving many team and individual successes.

Junior School

This week, our Junior School swimmers celebrated their best results to date!

Connected Community

The PFA was thrilled to support the biggest event on the Junior School calendar last Friday, the Twilight Picnic.

Create Your Tomorrow