
Junior School

Year 5 & 6 Girls Sport Victoria Competitions

Over the last two years, Ormiston has continued to be a leader when introducing new Year 5 & 6 sports under the umbrella of Girls Sport Victoria (GSV). Last year our students took part in two sporting opportunities. The first event was the Year 6 Sporting Expo at Monash University which gave our students the opportunity to experience a wide range of sports that were available for students in Year 7, and the Swim & Dive Meet at MSAC. Both events were very successful.


This year, Year 5 & 6 have already participated in the first-ever GSV Cross Country event and will also participate in the following three GSV events:

  • Track and Field Competition – Wednesday 16 August
  • Year 6 Sport Expo – Thursday 12 October
  • Swim and Dive Meet – Thursday 9 November


These new GSV events will complement our current School Sport Victoria (SSV) opportunities in cross country, athletics (track & field) and swimming. These events are organised into district, division, regional and state levels and give our Years 4, 5 & 6 students the opportunity to compete against students from Government, Catholic and Independent schools across the state. These competitions give students a chance to excel in a number of sporting events.

Year 4 Student Achievement – Eastern Regional Cross Country Championships

Congratulations to Audrey Cheung of Year 4 for competing in the Eastern Regional Cross Country Championships this month. Audrey competed against students from the Eastern Metropolitan Region and competed strongly on the day and as a result, ran a personal best effort. Audrey continues to be an excellent role model for our younger students, and we wish her all the best for her other sporting pursuits this year.

Paul Donohue
Head of Junior School


In the EL3 classroom, we embarked on an exciting journey of learning about the solar system, planets, moon, stars, astronauts, and rockets. The children eagerly immersed themselves in these captivating topics, discovering the wonders of the universe.

One of the highlights was when the children had the opportunity to paint their own planets. With great enthusiasm, they let their imaginations run wild, using bright colours to bring their creations to life. The children felt a sense of pride and accomplishment seeing their unique planets displayed in the classroom for everyone to admire.

During a discussion about space travel, we asked the children which planet they would like to visit. Lucas expressed his fascination with Uranus, Irena dreamt of exploring Mars, and Sophie showed her love for our very own planet Earth. Their responses reflected their individual interests and aspirations, showcasing the diverse wonders that captured their young minds.

Through this exploration, the children not only gained knowledge about the solar system, but also developed a sense of wonder and curiosity about the vast expanse of space. Their experience of painting planets and sharing their dream destinations fostered a love for science and ignited their imaginations, inspiring them to continue exploring the mysteries of the cosmos.

Melinda Murphy & Sophia Stirling
Early Learning 3 Teachers 

Early Learning 4 - Celebrating Learning and Community

On Thursday 21 June, the Early Learning Centre opened its doors to celebrate the halfway point of the school year and the learning journey students have embarked on thus far.

This year, a common thread that has connected the Early Learning 3 and 4 children has been learning about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island cultures.  Encounters with Murrundindi throughout the term have informed children’s inquiry into:

Weaving & Eel Traps

The Early Learning children have been learning about native grasses and eel traps through their inquiry into the 7 Seasons of the Kulin Nation, in particular, ‘Iuk (eel) Season’. The Aboriginal people observe seasonal markers through changes in landscape.

During the month of March, luk swims downstream of the Yarra River to lay their eggs in the sea. Before returning home to which Wurundjeri people harvest using eel traps made from weaved native grasses. The eels swim into the large opening of the trap and get stuck as the trap narrows. The small opening at the other end allows the water to flow through and any small eels can swim out. This was a sustained way of living – only taking what was needed.

Weaving has provided a provocation for children to learn about Country and Aboriginal Australian culture. As curious learners, an encounter with Murrundindi and Lomandra grass inspired children to independently create their own weaving creations.

Flags & symbols

The Early Learning children have been learning about the significance of the flags and symbols in Indigenous culture. The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island Flags have been a recognisable symbol found within the classroom, school and outside community.

As creative learners, children have engaged in creating the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander flag within the classroom using a mixture of medias.

Murrundindi’s storytelling of ‘Bunjil the creation eagle’ and ‘Mindi the snake’, introduced children to symbols as a form of language and storytelling.

As a collaborative community, ELC parents and children partook in a shared morning of learning and play. Families had opportunities to view their child’s portfolio; classroom displays; converse with members of the CGGS community; and contribute to a collaborative weaving inspired by Taungurung and Wurundjeri artist, Cassie Leatham; and a large-scale mosaic installation of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander flag.

Thank you to all the families who were able to join us. We look forward to another exciting second half of the year.

Esther Wong
Early Learning 4 Teacher & Early Learning Coordinator

Parliamentary Visits to Ormiston

Last week, Year 6 received a visit from two Parliamentary staff members who ran through a parliamentary role play. This allowed students to experience the law-making process first hand while acting out the roles of Speaker, Clerk, Sergeant at Arms, Premier, Leader of the Opposition and other members of Parliament. The students decided to debate the Gambling Advertising Bill and voted in favour of banning gambling advertising. The role play provided insight into how to debate issues respectfully, as well as being part of a political party. This has led to the students role playing their own topics in class such as the ‘No Homework Bill.’

Year 6 also had the pleasure of receiving a visit from Jess Wilson, MP for Kew. The students had already met Jess during their visit to Parliament House Victoria earlier in the term and it was wonderful to see her at Ormiston. Jess discussed the process of creating a new law and the referendum process. She also gave an insight into our voting system and the allocation of preference votes.

Everyone stood up as The Sergeant-of-arms walked across the room with the Speaker following behind. The parliamentary role play was a wonderful experience because we learnt how to debate and vote in parliament. – Joyce Z

Jess Wilson, our Member of Parliament, came to our school on the 9th of June, to talk about government in Australia. She thoroughly explained the levels of government and their duties on a daily basis and how they keep Australia in check. We were fascinated to learn about how a bill can be proposed as well as how we can alter the constitution of Australia. Jess Wilson’s visit was a memorable highlight for this term. – Aaratrika K 

I really enjoyed the role play visit as I learnt a lot about the different roles and speakers in parliament. It was a chance to experience what it was like to stand up and speak, rebut, and try different parts. – Kathleen L

The role play was an extraordinary, engaging experience where each of us were assigned roles to act out in our “pretend” parliamentary debate, such as MP, speaker, clerk, and the Sergeant of Arms. Jess Wilson, the MP for Kew, also visited us, and she recapped what each level of government was responsible for and how Australia has both a monarch and a parliamentary system. This was a wonderful learning experience for us to further expand our knowledge about how the Australian Government is run.’ – Amelia A

Jasvindar Gill
Year 6 Classroom Teacher

Division Cross Country

On Monday the 29th May, a group of students from CGGS participated in the Boroondara Division Cross Country. To compete at this event, competitors must have qualified in the previous District Cross Country race held a few weeks prior.

Cross country running presents challenges that require physical and mental fortitude. However, the benefits gained from participating in the sport, including improved fitness, mental well-being, teamwork, and a connection with nature – making it a rewarding and fulfilling endeavour for many athletes.

For the Division competition we headed to Ruffey Park and were met with a wet and difficult track. While the rain held off for the events, poor weather in the lead up meant hills were slippery and the track was muddy.

Audrey C and Alessandra R were first to run in the 9/10 girls 2km race. Both students had a fantastic start and positioned themselves well in the pack. They both completed their race in under 10 minutes which was a personal best for both students and an outstanding effort.

The next group to run for CGGS were Georgia P, Kathleen L and Sophie-May R in the 12/13 girls 3km race. Again, the students had a great start with all three of them in the front of the pack as they headed up the first hill. This race had the most challenging track as they were the last race of the day but the students ran incredibly well and achieved personal best times.

A special congratulations to Audrey C who placed 10th in her race and qualified to represent CGGS at the Regional Cross Country event.

Kim James
PE Teacher

Foundation – Year 6 Choral and Instrumental Concert

The Barbara Sutton Hall was buzzing with excitement and creative joy throughout the Choral and Instrumental Concert last week. All Foundation – Year 6 students were involved in a range of choirs and ensemble performances, with many students performing on the stage for the very first time! We were guided through the evening’s program by Ormiston Music Leaders and concert hosts, Alysa Z and Iris L. An enthusiastic audience of parents, friends and staff filled the hall and were highly impressed by every performance.

After much dedicated practice in rehearsals with the wonderful team of Junior School music teachers and ensembles directors, the students presented a variety of pieces with much enthusiasm and confident stage presence. All students engaged with their performances with creativity, and successfully illuminated the joy of music making together as a collaborative team. We received many positive and excited reactions from students as they made their way off stage after their performances. The focused atmosphere in the wings and ‘buzz’ of live performance was supported by the overarching sense of artistic innovation and team spirit. What an amazing highlight for the end of Term 2!

Kate Savige and Rohan Mack
Music Directors

Vocal Express Choir Success: Boroondara Eisteddfod

On Wednesday 14th June, the Vocal Express choir competed in the Primary School Choir section at the Boroondara Eisteddfod. This prestigious eisteddfod supports student musicians to share the joy of live performance whilst showcasing and developing music talent. The students enjoyed working with Ms Payne and Mrs Georgiev during their weekly lunchtime rehearsals, to prepare two contrasting pieces for the performance. The Vocal Express choir sang confidently in the Hawthorn Arts Centre auditorium and delivered their pieces with musical colour. Our students were also able to listen to other schools perform as audience members, to celebrate the joy of making music together!

The adjudicator presented his feedback at the end of all the performances, and we were thrilled to be awarded 2nd place! It was a very worthwhile learning experience for all, as the students successfully paid close attention to refining the details in the music and delivering their best in performance. Many thanks to the Ormiston parents who were in the audience, it was lovely to see them there in support of Ms Payne and the students.

Kate Savige
Director of Music – Curriculum

Netball Program

The CGGS Netball Program and the Year 2 & 3 Netskills Program has seen significant participation across all Junior School year levels.

The Year 2 & 3 Netball program is focused on learning fundamental netball skills and introducing modified match play. There is also a strong focus on the student’s ability to work in a team, how students are communicating to each other, and the most important part of sport is to have fun while learning and developing.

The Year 2 & 3 students have been full of enthusiasm, have worked very hard at each session, display excellent commitment and have grown in confidence both in their skills and with their ability to work collectively in a team environment.

CGGS Saturday Netball has seen amazing commitment from all 120 students involved in the program, both at training and at our weekly games, especially given some of the weather that we have seen lately. Coaches are working hard with teams at training, and what is covered at training we are seeing transferred on to the court at games times which is always encouraging. We are seeing improvement every week in the fundamental skills, court craft, and teamwork. There are many smiles every Saturday, a willingness to participate, to be better and to have a sense of belonging.

Our umpire program has grown significantly this year, with Mia G, Claire K, Abbey M, Amelia S and Alisha A braving all of the conditions weekly to contribute positively to community sport. Umpiring is not easy, and this group of students is doing exceptionally well, with great feedback from Boroondara Netball Association.

Thank you to all the students, and to the families that support them. Have a restful break and see everyone back on the court in Term 3.

Alexia McConnell
Netball Coordinator


This week Mrs Dunwoody discusses CGGS' history of implementing effective instructional practices to support learning. She also shares the 2024 Parent survey feedback.

Secondary School

Our athletes at the secondary school have had a busy fortnight filled with multiple carnivals, achieving many team and individual successes.

Junior School

This week, our Junior School swimmers celebrated their best results to date!

Connected Community

The PFA was thrilled to support the biggest event on the Junior School calendar last Friday, the Twilight Picnic.

Create Your Tomorrow