
Connected Community

International Women’s Day Breakfast

Celebrating International Women’s Day holds significant importance for us, and we were thrilled to have Lisa Chiba (2001), Managing Director of Momentum Energy and Non-Executive Director of Waverley Social Enterprises, as our guest speaker at the annual breakfast. Lisa delivered an inspiring presentation on gender equality, sharing the impactful steps she has taken to enhance equality within her industry. It was a joy to welcome our current parents, students, and alum from across the years, coming together in support of this vital cause.

PFA Annual General Meeting - Nominations are open

We are seeking nominations for positions on the Parents & Friends Association Executive and Committee.

The PFA Annual General Meeting will be held on Tuesday 29 April at 7:30pm in the Boardroom, Secondary School.

All members of the CGGS community are warmly invited to attend the meeting.

Positions include:

  • President, Vice President
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer
  • Friends of Sport
  • Friends of Second Hand Uniform Shop
  • Friends of Arts
  • Friends of STEAM
  • Dad’s Group
  • and 6 committee member positions

The term of these positions is one year with a maximum of 3 years.

Please send your nomination forms to the PFA via by Tuesday 22 April.



For more information please contact the Parents and Friends Association via 


Mrs Dunwoody discusses CGGS's partnership with The Cyber Safety Project to educate and support students, parents, and staff regarding digital safety and wellbeing.

Secondary School

This week, our CGGS Secondary School swimmers successfully defended their GSV Division 2 Swimming Championship title.

Junior School

At the Junior School, Year 1 has shared a special ritual they do every day with the Foundation students.

Connected Community

The School welcomed Old Grammarian Lisa Chiba (2001) as the guest speaker at this year's International Women's Day Breakfast.

Create Your Tomorrow