
Connected Community

PFA Trivia Night

The Parents & Friends Association (PFA) were very pleased to host Trivia Night after a 5 year hiatus on Friday 5 May in Robinson Hall. The event was themed with the “Magic of Hollywood” and guests were encouraged to dress as a character from their favourite movie. Approximately 90 people attended and a wonderful night of trivia was enjoyed by all. Great prizes were awarded to the best dressed male and female and also the most creatively dressed table.

We’d like to thank our sponsors who kindly donated raffle prizes:


This week Mrs Dunwoody discusses CGGS' history of implementing effective instructional practices to support learning. She also shares the 2024 Parent survey feedback.

Secondary School

Our athletes at the secondary school have had a busy fortnight filled with multiple carnivals, achieving many team and individual successes.

Junior School

This week, our Junior School swimmers celebrated their best results to date!

Connected Community

The PFA was thrilled to support the biggest event on the Junior School calendar last Friday, the Twilight Picnic.

Create Your Tomorrow