
Secondary School

This week as we have enjoyed the final week of school with our students, we have also said farewell to several students and staff members as they’ve embarked on two exciting and enriching journeys, the annual USA Tour and Lake Mungo trip. These experiences are the culmination of months of careful planning and preparation, and we are truly grateful for the dedication and hard work put in by our staff to make them possible. We eagerly look forward to hearing about their respective experiences and the valuable insights gained from students during these trips.

The 2024 Leadership Application Process for our Year 10 and 11 students has also now come to a close. This process has involved a formal written application, individual interviews, and a large group interview. Witnessing our students’ initiative, innovative ideas for the future, and the enthusiasm they exhibit for the prospect of becoming a student leader at CGGS has been truly inspiring. We look forward to sharing the 2024 Leadership positions with you in early Term 4 and congratulate all students for their courage in applying.

Subject selections are also now finalised and students can anticipate receiving information about their chosen subjects early in Term 4. We extend our gratitude to parents for their unwavering support during this process, especially in guiding and assisting their child in making decisions regarding their academic pathways into 2024 and beyond.

Finally, we wish all our CGGS families a well-deserved rest during this upcoming break. It has been a productive term, and we hope that individuals and families can take some time to do something lovely that restores your energy for the final stretch of the year. To our footy fans, if your team is in the finals- good luck!

Kath Woolcock
Head of Senior School                          

Kate Giles
Head of Middle School

UN Youth Evatt Competition

Our Year 9–12 students had the opportunity to compete in the Evatt Competition, a national competition run by UN Youth, in which teams of students represent different countries and participate in a Model UN Security Council. Using the UN rules of engagement, countries debate, negotiate and vote on various resolutions (formal expressions of opinion). 12 teams represented Camberwell Girls Grammar School in this year’s competition, held at the University of Melbourne’s Law School.

Congratulations to all the students involved in this event which provided them with an opportunity to develop their teamwork, critical thinking and communication skills, and broaden their understanding of global issues. Two teams advanced to the Semi Finals which were held at St Hilda’s College at the University of Melbourne in late August. One Year 11, team with Sara R and Sam F, was selected to compete in the upcoming State Finals.

Dr Charlotte Forwood
Director of Learning Design and Development

NAPLAN Insights 2023

In 2023, all schools participated in online NAPLAN assessments which enabled semi-adaptive assessment of skills. This meant that the types of questions being asked over the course of the assessment were able to be adjusted, depending on a student’s response. This type of testing provides a more detailed picture of a student’s skills in the areas being assessed: Reading Comprehension, Conventions of Language (including grammar and punctuation), Writing and Numeracy.

Previous NAPLAN data has been reported against 10 bands. The new NAPLAN data is reported according to four proficiency standards. 

  • Exceeding (top 20% of students)
  • Strong (51 – 80% of students)
  • Developing (21 – 50% of students)
  • Not At Standard (NAS) (lowest 20% of students)


Camberwell Girls Grammar School’s NAPLAN results continue to be exemplary, with strong performances for all year levels across all areas of assessment – Reading, Writing, Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar, and Numeracy.

While recent newspaper reports have highlighted concerning literacy and numeracy results for Victorian students generally, Camberwell Girls Grammar School’s results continue to buck this trend, with the majority of students sitting in the top two proficiency standards. It will be some years before NAPLAN data can be compared and trends identified, however it is pleasing to see the strong results across literacy and numeracy assessments. These results reflect the ongoing commitment to developing and using evidence-based pedagogical practices for developing literacy and numeracy skills.

Dr Charlotte Forwood                                                                                                    
Director of Learning Design and Development

House Drama 2023

Our House Performing Arts program continues to go from strength to strength with each event providing our captains with the opportunity to find their creative voice, hone their management skills and inspire their performers and audience alike.

The House Drama Captains were given the task of writing a short play, inspired by a visual stimulus, that had to accommodate a large ensemble of both lead and support roles. The House Technical Captains had to refine their lighting and sound design skills as well as venture into the new realm of stage management: coordinating crews and supporting their captains in rehearsals.

The Captains provided us with an incredibly brave and moving night of entertainment and our guest adjudicator, Emily Tomlins, expressed her gratitude and excitement at such passion.

There were an array of awards connected to this event, and the winners this year were:

Best Script: Schofield, “Heartstrings” [Alisha C & Samantha F]

Most Cohesive Ensemble: A tie between Singleton [Ava L & Samantha C] and Schofield

Best Performance by an Artist in a Supporting Role: Gina Y [Schofield]

Best Performance by an Artist in a Leading Role: Abigail L [Schofield]

Best Technical Assistance: Isabel B and Trudy L [Schofield]

Best Production: Schofield

Whilst Schofield dominated the field in this event, there was one final trophy to be awarded – The Technical Trophy of Great Triumph. Our House Technical Captains are a committed support to three Performing Arts events throughout the year. Whilst there is a technical category in each event, the Trophy of Triumph is awarded to the House who scored the highest result across the three events and this year’s recipients were Katrina and Laura T for Taylor.

Congratulations to all participants and captains. We are so proud of each and every one of you.

Keira Lyons
Head of Drama & Performing Arts

Australian Mathematics Competition

On 30 August, we joined forced with 6 other students to represent our school at the Australian Mathematics Competition at Trinity Grammar, competing in a variety of maths games against other schools around the state.

During this statewide competition, we were instructed to solve a variety of maths problems and other strategic tasks under time restrictions. Different problems required us to work with our group or to individually compete against a member from another school. Through these challenges, we were able to find new ways of looking at situations, using both strategy and quick decisions, in a friendly competition.

Overall, we really enjoyed this experience as each activity was unique and interesting. The day was planned out in an engaging and entertaining way, where we developed numerous skills that we were able to apply to our learning. It was an incredible day full of fun and learning, and we would love to participate in this program for years to come.

Angie and Ency
Year 10 Students

Sustainability @ CGGS in August

CGGS hosted the first Interschool Sustainability Partnership meeting. The purpose of this meeting was to network with schools in Melbourne and the Boroondara area, including Cambwerwell Grammar School, Scotch College, Box Hill High, Fintona and Melbourne Girls College.

Group project ideas were generated and sustainability initiatives and actions shared. Australian Conservation Foundation (ACF) supported the meeting and provided opportunities for students to participate in a forest tour, a tree planting day, and a platypus citizen science project.

The CGGS Recycling Station was created by a large number of contributors. It includes several recycling bins for batteries, compost, paper recycling, hard plastics recycling, and cans. The greenhouse, located in the Woodstock courtyard, is a wonderful addition. It has already been used to propagate new seasonal produce in the Year 7 Service Learning Program, and Froggies co-curricular sessions.

Year 9 CGS students attended CGGS to plant bush tucker with Year 11 students, Lake Mungo elective students, and Murrundindi. The purpose of the group activity was to bring awareness to the knowledge of the Victorian landscape, build relationships and network with CGS, and expand on the school’s biodiversity.

During Upskill Day in Week 8, an apiarist visited Year 7s participating in the Environmental Stewardship Service Learning Program. Students had germinated seeds to plant up their form group wicking beds, and learned the plant cycle stages especially the necessity of insects for pollination. The apiarist encouraged Year 7 students to take action to protect bees for a more sustainable future. Students reflected on the values of care, respect and responsibility, through learning activities about understanding the environment for bees. Honey was tasted, and each student rolled a candle using bees wax.

Anna Clarkson
Sustainability Coordinator

AGTV German Regional Poetry Competition

Congratulations to the students who represented CGGS at the Association of German Teachers of Victoria (AGTV) German Regional Poetry Competition at Trinity College recently. Not only did their proficiency in pronunciation and intonation shine through, but they also presented memorable performances by speaking without notes.

A special mention goes to Elise O with a 3rd place in Year 8 for her poem Die Brille and Lily W with an honours prize in Year 7 for Die drei Spatzen.

We began learning our poems at the beginning of Term 3, to present to Frau Beck and Frau Hadenfeldt. Six students including myself were selected to attend the Regional Finals at Trinity. It was an exciting and wonderful experience to be able to attend this event. The amount of pressure and stress I was expecting dissipated after we recited our poems. The judges were very nice, and everyone received a small prize for participating. We were able to interact with students from four other schools who were just as nervous as we were, which promoted good sportsmanship and cooperation. Everyone did very well, and we all agree it was one of the highlights of our term so far. – Elise, Year 8

Ingrid Beck
German Teacher

Evensong Service

The CGGS community gathered at St. Mark’s Church on Friday 1 September for a special Evensong Service, originally planned in recognition of the School’s Centenary in 2020. This service has long been a treasured part of the Anglican tradition and is a calm and serene way to reflect upon the week and mark the arrival of evening, with choral music, readings and prayers.

Helen Creed conducted the service, with readings delivered by current students and the 2020 School Captain, Felicia Spiridonos. The Evensong Choir, conducted by Cathy Georgiev and accompanied by 2023 School Accompanist Grace Z, sang beautifully throughout the service. Worshippers were very grateful to be able to pause at the end of a busy week and appreciate the significance of the readings and the beautiful voices of the Evensong Choir.

Kate Savige and Rohan Mack
Directors of Music

VCE Music Recital

Our VCE musicians have been developing and refining their music and presentation skills throughout the year, through dedicated practice and performance experience. On Thursday evening they performed a wide range of pieces to a very appreciative audience in Robinson Hall.

Throughout their VCE Music journey, each student has explored and developed ways of communicating expressive intentions to an audience on their selected instrument. Each work that was presented highlighted a variety of unique techniques and a diverse range of expressive qualities. The Unit 4 students presented the full program that they are preparing for their performance examinations early in Term 4 and the Unit 2 students presented a selected piece from their recital assessment repertoire.

We congratulate all of the VCE Music students on the dedication they have given to their craft and the artistic creativity they have incorporated into their performances.

Kate Savige and Rohan Mack
Directors of Music

Upskill - Transition to Tertiary (T2T) Event

On Tuesday 29 August our Year 12 students gathered in the library to enjoy a Transition to Tertiary lunch. Throughout the lunch, students learnt more different strategies and factors that support a successful transition from secondary to tertiary education. 

Past students, Maya Jones and Charity Tu (Class of 2022) spoke of their own post CGGS experiences and offered insights into how to make this transition a very successful one. Maya is enjoying studying Laws/Arts at Monash University. She spoke about her experiences at a large tertiary institution and the difference she felt coming from a warm and welcoming school such as CGGS. She gave a hilarious description of getting disorientated on campus, pointing out the need to upload university apps so you don’t get lost!

Charity is learning all about Speech Pathology at ACU and is very keen on the smaller campus and the community she has gotten to know already. They spoke about how important it was to maintain friendship groups and the need to stay focused on studies, when the teaching and learning at a tertiary institution is so different from secondary school. Questions flowed thick and fast from our Year 12 students and it is obvious they were interested in life on campus.

Great advice from both students and their ‘tips and tricks’ on how to make this transition a happy and successful one, will enable our Year 12 graduates in 2023 to feel well prepared for this next chapter.

Trish Dolan
Careers Counsellor

Upskill - Year 9 World of Work

It was fantastic to be able to hold the second day of our Year 9 World of Work program.

With the focus of the day’s program squarely on interviews, we first welcomed the Complete Works Theatre Company to share their tips and strategies on making the most of job interviews. With some brave Year 9 volunteers, they took students through the importance of first impressions, body language and what great answers to potential questions look and sound like. This was then followed with further tips on collaborative interview techniques.

Resumes were tweaked and printed, hair and outfits adjusted for first impressions in the lead up to one-on-one interviews with volunteers from within our CGGS Community. We were fortunate to welcome 17 volunteers from our alumni, parents and extended connections, who interviewed each of the Year 9s in a mock interview, providing both feedback and advice to students about the experience. 

Whilst there were lots of nerves, it was a great real life learning experience, enabling the students to put the theory of earlier sessions into practice. We are hopeful that the students will all feel a little more comfortable as they begin the hunt for part-time work or look to prepare for university interviews and internships in the future as a result of the experience.

A big thank you to our fantastic volunteers for giving their time and expertise for this session.

Kate Manners
Director of Strategic Initiatives

Swimming Success

Emily P from Year 11 recently competed at the School Sport Australia Championships at Olympic Park, Sydney after being selected into the Victorian 10-19 year old team. Racing 5 events over 6 days, it was a gruelling program and Emily reports she had a fantastic experience, particularly being part of the team excursions and dinners. It has been a long-held aspiration to be selected for this very competitive team and we congratulate Emily on her achievement.

Another group of swimmers making waves at the recent 2023 Victorian Age Short Course Championships 1 – 3 September were Scarlett G (Year 12) Emily P (Year 11), Angela L (Year 10), Elysia W (Year 10), Anneka S (Year 9), Claire F (Year 9), Sophie L (Year 8), Jasmine X (Year 7). These students represented CGGS Aquatics, competing in several individual and relay events and winning medals along the way. Please enjoy Sophie’s wrap up of the event.   

The first 3 days of Spring were thrilling for our CGGS Aquatic swimmers, competing in the Victorian Age Short Course Championships. We raced in a variety of events across all strokes and distances, from the 50 freestyle to the 200 backstroke. This included multiple freestyle and medley relays. Personal bests were accomplished all around, and congratulations Emily P for achieving a place in the 200 breaststroke finals. Being my first time attending this event, the competitive atmosphere and gaggles of swimmers made me feel a little intimidated. However, it was exhilarating at the same time, with all the cheering and whistling in support for the swimmers. The anticipation you feel when you step onto the block and the adrenaline as you swim is not comparable to anything else. Additionally, being surrounded by coaches and swimmers and just having a good time is a valuable experience that I will cherish. I would like to participate again next year so I’d better start training – Sophie L, CGGS Aquatic Member


In week 7 of this term, a small group of us ventured to Mount Buller to compete at the Victorian Interschool Snowsports. Although the snow conditions were less than ideal, we all still had a great time together making the best of the available slopes and enjoying sunny weather. We had the opportunity to compete in many events such as ski cross, moguls and alpine giant slalom.

Throughout the trip, Mr Loff’s expert racing tips improved our skills and helped us embrace the challenge of the competition. It was great to see the unwavering support and camaraderie among our teammates which made the event so much more fun. We all came back with amazing memories and can’t wait to get back next year Anneka S (Year 9)

Despite the less than stellar snow conditions this year, the inter-school ski competition started with the usual anticipation and excitement of snow and speed. The Alpine Giant Slalom race course was moved to higher up the mountain which meant steeper terrain which made us all a little nervous.  For the 7.30am course inspection I happened to be one of the first few to ski down the perfectly untouched groomed slope with the morning sun peaking through the mist. 

It was amazing to ski down and made me momentarily forget my nerves.  Thankfully Mr Loff and Miss Semple were on hand at course inspection and throughout the race to give course advice and race tips to Anneka, Summer and I.Snowsports is one of my favourite sports.  I love the thrill of the speed and the challenge of the different snow conditions. What makes skiing fun is the environment you get to be a part of.  I love the community feel and seeing friends I made the year before from other schools waiting in line nervously chatting. The festivities ended with a fantastic fireworks display. A big thanks to Miss Semple, Mr Loff and our parents for their support on the slopes Angel Q (Year 9)

Athletics Season closes with a Swag of Medals

Athletics this year has been nothing short of spectacular, filled with unforgettable moments.

With our athletics team being more than just a group of competitors, it’s truly awe-inspiring to witness how we support and motivate one another to be the best we can be. Regardless of the event or specialty, every participant has contributed to the team and the successes of CGGS this year.

Throughout the season, athletes competed with amazing achievements across year levels and disciplines. However, they were truly tested at finals night on the 5 September. 17 CGGS students went to Lakeside to compete amongst the top competitors in each event. Some fantastic results included the Year 8 4×100 team finishing in 3rd place overall, Bella F in Year 11 placing 3rd in both the 800m as well as the 1500m, and in Year 12, Natalie T achieving 2nd in hurdles, and Sasha F 1st in high jump.

The fun we’ve had in athletics is beyond measure. The shared achievements, the mini games at training, smiles, hugs, high fives, and the exhilaration of giving it our all will forever hold a special place in our hearts.

Sasha F
School Sports Captain


This week Mrs Dunwoody discusses CGGS' history of implementing effective instructional practices to support learning. She also shares the 2024 Parent survey feedback.

Secondary School

Our athletes at the secondary school have had a busy fortnight filled with multiple carnivals, achieving many team and individual successes.

Junior School

This week, our Junior School swimmers celebrated their best results to date!

Connected Community

The PFA was thrilled to support the biggest event on the Junior School calendar last Friday, the Twilight Picnic.

Create Your Tomorrow