

Each year, the Premier’s VCE Awards recognises students who have demonstrated outstanding achievement in their VCE. These awards also pay tribute to the teachers and families who have played a significant role in supporting students throughout their VCE studies. Yesterday, Mr Andrew Burnell (2022 Year 12 Coordinator), Mrs Cathy Poyser (2022 Deputy Principal/Head of Senior School) and Ms Kath Woolcock, Head of Senior School, attended a presentation ceremony held at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre to recognise 2022 award recipients.

I am thrilled to share that five of our students from the Class of 2022 received Premier’s VCE Awards for their hard work and dedication to their studies in 2022, as outlined below.

Emily has been named a Top All-Round VCE High Achiever. To receive this award, students must achieve a study score of 46 or higher in at least five of their subjects. Emily was involved in many aspects of School life, most notably in the area of music, and she was also the School Faith and Service Captain in 2022. This is Emily’s second Premier’s VCE Award. In 2021, Emily received a Study Award for Music Performance, a subject in which she received a perfect study score.

Emily was chosen from 300 award recipients to contribute to a video series created by the Department of Education. Reflections about VCE were captured in three short videos. Within the videos, Emily thanks one of our CGGS teachers, Karin Lemanis, reflects on her VCE journey and shares her aspirations for the future. 

Click below to watch.

Amelia has been named a Top All-Round VCE High Achiever, she has also received a Study Award for Psychology, a subject in which she received a perfect study score. Amelia truly lived the School’s values during her time at CGGS, volunteering her time to many service initiatives. This will be Amelia’s second and third Premier’s VCE Awards. In 2021, Amelia received a Study Award for Equine Studies (VCE VET) in which she received a perfect study score. As a passionate member of Taylor House, she was an inspiring House Captain in 2022, leading Taylor to win the Rhodes Cup in 2022.

Shuhan has been named a Top Three International Student for 2022. This order of merit is based on a special score calculated from the addition of the study scores of the best four subjects, plus 10 per cent of study scores obtained in a maximum of two other subjects. Shuhan was the CGGS Dux for 2022, obtaining a perfect ATAR of 99.95. Over her three years at the School, Shuhan embraced every opportunity CGGS afforded her, including being a mentor for other international students, as one of CGGS’ International Captains in 2022.

Daleney has received a Study Award for English (EAL), a subject in which she received a perfect study score. Daleney loved representing her House, Singleton. She participated in many co-curricular activities over her time at CGGS, her favourite being Drama, and she proudly supported CGGS’ international students as the one of the International Captains in 2022.

Bethany has received a Study Award for Extended Investigation. This is not the only recognition Bethany has received for this subject. In February 2023, Bethany presented her report at Top Talks, as part of the VCE Season of Excellence, a performance series to showcase the top performance examinations in Victoria. Bethany’s commitment to investigation, innovation and science saw her appointed as the inaugural STEAM Captain in 2021.

Congratulations to all five of these outstanding young people! We are proud of their achievements, along with the entire Class of 2022, for not only their dedicated commitment to their VCE studies throughout last year, but also their depth of interest and commitment to the entire life of the School, including co-curricular offerings.  We also acknowledge the extraordinary expertise from our 2022 teaching staff for their dedicated effort in enabling the Class of 2022 to achieve such outstanding results.

Interestingly, 82% of students from the Class of 2022 utilised their creative talents in a school production, while 62% performed in an ensemble or choir throughout their Senior School education. Whilst viewing our Secondary School Production, Medea, over the past two evenings, I couldn’t help but reflect on the remarkable learning experience such a creative performance opportunity offers. If you haven’t already done so, I encourage you to attend tonight or tomorrow evening’s performance. While enjoying the powerful storytelling and creative mastery it offers, take some time to also reflect on the poise, confidence, persistence and dedication displayed by each member of the cast, chorus, musicians and crew.

Heartfelt congratulations and gratitude go to our wonderful Co-Director/Production Manager, Keira Lyons, for her exceptional talent and educational vision in bringing this opportunity to all involved.

With best wishes,

Davina McClure
Acting Principal


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