This week Mrs Dunwoody discusses CGGS' history of implementing effective instructional practices to support learning. She also shares the 2024 Parent survey feedback.
It was a very memorable evening for all our Year 6 teachers, students and families at our annual Year 6 graduation event. The official component of the evening involved the ceremony at Barbara Sutton Hall where students were recognised by the school community for their contributions to Camberwell Girls Grammar School.
Congratulations to the following students who received a special award:
Marjorie Shaw Award for General Excellence – Gloria Lim
Elizabeth Lockley Citizenship Award – Stephanie Marriott
Sally Tarock Community Award – Ada Li
A special highlight of the ceremony was the Year 6 video that had photos of each Year 6 student as a young child alongside their Year 6 photo. This video is always emotional for the audience and highlights the change and development that has taken place over time with each student while they have been at Ormiston.
The supper at Fig Tree Cafe is the informal aspect of the evening for the students and families and gives the Year 6 community the opportunity to spend time together to reflect on 2024 and previous years at Ormiston. I would like to thank Pinwheel for providing the supper and Kate Daffy and Sarah Galati for all their work in preparing Fig Tree Cafe. Also, I would like to thank a group of Year 5 parents that helped serve the food and drinks on the night. Thank you to these parents:
Eng Ronzani
Michelle Zhou
Laxmi Lyengar
Enri Lin
Anjum Bhatia
Ran Gu
Karen Leong
Paul Leong
We wish all our Year 6 students a wonderful last few days at Ormiston.
We recently held our special Ormiston Spirit Award assembly in the Barbara Sutton Hall at Secondary School, to recognise and acknowledge students’ personal best efforts and their contributions in classrooms and specialist subjects during Semester Two. The students were presented an Ormiston Spirit badge and an Ormiston Spirit Certificate displaying the students’ individual achievement.
As Head of Junior School, I thoroughly enjoy watching our students display our CGGS School Values of Respect, Integrity Commitment, Hope and Courage in the classroom, out in the playground or during their co-curricular activity.
Congratulations to the following students:
Class Awards
Foundation R – Georgia Karametos
Foundation S – Jesley Zhang
Year 1 – Clare L
Year 2 – Mia L
Year 3 – Theresa W
Year 4 – Aryana P
Year 5G – Alis C
Year 5S – Sienna T
Year 6G – Sara Z
Year 6H – Miah K
Specialist Subjects
F-3 Art – Alicia S
Y4-6 Art – Wendy Z
F-3 PE – Olivia Z
Y4-6 PE – Olivia V
F-3 Music – Selena C
Y4-6 Music – Olivia H
F-3 Library – Samaira A
Y4-6 Library -Elva W
F-6 STEAM – Sarika P
F-4 Chinese (Heritage) – Alice L
F-4 Chinese (Mainstream) – Eva K
Y5-6 French – Jaslene N & Matilda C
Recently Alice H of Year 6 competed in the Basic Novice division at the National Ice-skating Championships that were held at the O’Brien Icehouse in Melbourne. This year Alice was part of a completely new team that consisted of younger performers, who were inspired by ‘The Incredibles’ for their team program. This special event encouraged skaters from interstate to compete against each other at various age levels, the competition finished off with a banquette and speeches to acknowledge a very successful event for all participants. One of the highlights for Alice was the opportunity to watch other skaters, particularly those who were performing at a higher level, demonstrating their skills on the ice. We congratulate Alice on her achievements and wish her all the best when competing in future ice-skating competitions.
This week Audrey C in Year 5G competed as part of the Team Australia’s Under 12 Baseball team that competed at the Oceania World Cup Qualifying event in Guam. Team Australia defeated Guam in the final and have now qualified for the Under 12 Baseball World Cup that will take place in Taiwan in July 2025. During the tournament, Audrey was the only female participant in the Australian team and Camberwell Girls Grammar School is very proud of Audrey’s achievements in baseball and wish her all the best when competing in future championships.
Paul Donohue
Head of Junior School
On Friday 6 December, the ELC community celebrated a wonderful year of learning, inquiry, and exploration with a special Celebration of Learning and Play. This event marked the end of the ELC journey for many of our students who will progress to Foundation the following year.
Families and friends became an audience to the ELC’s choir where children shared songs and a special photograph presentation highlighting their year. Before sharing a delightful morning, tea and spending quality time exploring the classroom and the corridors that were transformed into a gallery space. The exhibition entitled ‘The Children’s Exhibition’, celebrates the learning, play, interests, inquiry and treasured memories of students, made over the past year. Each artwork depicting the diversity and ways of being and doing within our School through two-dimensional and three-dimensional art.
It was a joyful opportunity for families to connect, reflect on the children’s achievements, and celebrate their journey of discovery and play.
Esther Wong
Early Learning Coordinator
This week Mrs Dunwoody discusses CGGS' history of implementing effective instructional practices to support learning. She also shares the 2024 Parent survey feedback.
Our athletes at the secondary school have had a busy fortnight filled with multiple carnivals, achieving many team and individual successes.
The PFA was thrilled to support the biggest event on the Junior School calendar last Friday, the Twilight Picnic.
We acknowledge and pay respect to the Wurundjeri people as the traditional custodians of the land on which the school is situated.
Secondary School / Administration
2 Torrington Street, Canterbury
Victoria 3126 Australia
T +61 3 9813 1166
F +61 3 9882 9248
Junior School / Ormiston