Our School
is Your School

Building a community

One of the basic higher needs of human beings is connection. We want to be part of a community as it provides a sense of belonging and makes life richer.

At Camberwell Girls, our students, staff, old grammarians and families, both past and present, all actively participate in the life of the school.

Every day, members of our community invest their time and talents for the enrichment of the Camberwell Girls experience. We highly value the connectedness and warmth of our parent community.

Families are important partners of the school, and we know firsthand that their involvement and support enriches the learning and educational environment for our students. We encourage current families to find an area of involvement that interests them and join the many parents, alumnae and friends who help make a Camberwell Girls education possible. We have been committed to building this community for over 100 years.

The old African proverb, “It takes a village to raise a child” – also means, “It takes a community to raise a school.” Our school is your school and everybody has the opportunity to play a vital role in the way Camberwell Girls shapes its future.

Parents & Friends Association

The PFA consists of both Junior & Senior School parents who value the importance of volunteering.

The objective of the PFA is to provide CGGS parents and friends with opportunities to contribute to the school, in ways that enhance the development and educational opportunities for students.

The PFA also aims to build a strong network and sense of community between parents and to support the school, including its students, parents and staff.

The PFA has two main objectives in supporting Camberwell Girls:


Building a strong connection and network of friends between CGGS parents and families is an important focus of the PFA. This is achieved through PFA events and volunteering opportunities, providing parents with an avenue to socialise and contribute to the school.

Some of the PFA supported events include:

> Welcome Morning Teas and Parent Drinks at the beginning of each year

> Junior School Twilight Picnic

> Mother’s Day and Father’s Day Breakfasts

> Pre-Show Refreshments offered prior to Performing Arts and Music events

> Dad and Daughter events

> Junior School Disco

>Mother’s and Father’s Day Stalls

> Trivia Night

> Year 6 Graduation Lunch and Supper

> Whole school events such as Christmas at Camberwell and Moonlight Movie Night


Raising funds to assist the school, students and staff is an important objective of the PFA. The PFA uses funds raised through some events, along with the voluntary parent financial contribution, to help fund extra-curricular purchases and programs outside of the normal operational budget of the school.

The PFA is proud to have funded many items and programs for the school community.

Some of these include:

> Physical Education and Sports Programs

> Senior School oval resurface and running track, CGGS Aquatic upgrade of starting blocks, lane ropes, and marker flags, AFL jumpers and high jump mats

> Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics (STEAM) program

> NAO Robots and Microbots, Eye in the Sky camera (Physics Labs), laser cutter and 3D printers

> Grand piano and upright piano, musical instruments and sheet music

> Art Programs

> Photographic equipment and kiln

> Outdoor Education Program

> Covered trailer for camps and sporting events

> School Equipment

> Junior school outdoor furniture and climbing frame

> Portable padded chairs for Barbara Sutton Hall

> Prowise Interactive Screens throughout the school

> Wellness programs for students, staff and parents

There are many opportunities to get involved.

The Parents and Friends Association (PFA) is made up of parent volunteers to execute their friendraising and fundraising initiatives. Volunteers are welcome to join the following parent groups and initiatives:

Select an option below to discover how you can get involved.

Year Level Reps

Year Level Reps provide an important link between the school and parents. It is involves welcoming new families and organising functions for parents to connect.

Friends of Sport

Aims to support the school’s sports programs by providing a BBQ, refreshments and support at carnivals, refreshments at the Celebration of Sport Evening and moral support at sporting events.

Friends of The Arts

Provides pre-show refreshments to the community at Music, Dance and Drama performances and support the VCE Art Exhibition.

Friends of STEAM

Supports the students and staff in their learning and discovery in STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics)

Friends of the Second Hand Uniform Shop

The Second Hand Uniform Shop is run by volunteer parents who perform uniform quality control and sell pre-loved CGGS garments to the school community.

CGGS Dads Groups

Run by CGGS dads, for CGGS dads, the group aims to engage fathers and father-figures within the school community.

Event Volunteer

All CGGS families are welcome to volunteer at PFA friendraising and fundraising events and activities.

Discover More

To learn more or register your interest in the CGGS Parents & Friends Association, contact the PFA via pfa@cggs.vic.edu.au 

Volunteering at CGGS

Please note it is now a legal requirement under the Child Safety Act that volunteers attend a short Child Safety training presentation.

By signing up to volunteer at CGGS you agree to attend this presentation, as well as adhere to the two following policies. 

Meet your PFA Committee

President – Cindy Wong

Vice President – Fiona Nicholson Stocker

Secretary – Fiona Nicholson Stocker

Treasurer – Jason Lyster

General Committee Members

Nancy Lam
Sue Su
Thushy Vinayaga Moorthy
Seong-Lee Ang
Mehrab Asli

Create Your Tomorrow