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Illustration brings our brand to life!

Over a year in the making, the team of four, Belinda Kranjcic, Keith Logan, Georgia Bennett and Andreanne Boileau can fi nally reveal why you are now seeing bright characters everywhere.

A big departure from traditional school advertising, a core part of our new brand is a series of original illustrations that capture the spirit and rich experience of being a part of the CGGS community.

Developed during the COVID-19 lockdown, the team was faced with challenges unlike any other year. But the uncertainty that came with the pandemic eventually became the silver lining.

“We are surrounded by schools, so we always knew that what we developed had to stand out. The pandemic really encouraged us to be bold and take a risk,” says Belinda, Marketing Manager.

Keith, the school’s Art Director is responsible for developing the unique illustrations.

“Not knowing if we’d be able to get back to school and photograph students, it became clear that illustration was a pathway that could solve many of our challenges. The more we investigated it as a visual language the more enthusiastic we became. We knew this was an opportunity for us to be unique in the education sector,” confi rms Keith.

Colour is also an important part of the new brand and our palette has shifted into a more buoyant, vibrant space. “We have intentionally applied our new palette in an unorthodox manner because it not only speaks to the rich tapestry of our school, but it also says we are comfortable in our own skin… we’re not afraid to be different,” says Keith.

“Purple and green have a long history of being connected to women’s equality and are the offi cial International Women’s Day brand colours. You will fi nd that a few of our characters embody these values. Their purple and green skin refl ect how we educate our girls to be strong, independent young women,” says Belinda.

The new brand rollout not only includes a print and digital campaign, but an exciting new website is being developed too. Expect to see a slew of new CGGS characters, animation and a brighter interactive experience when visiting our online presence.  

“This is an exciting departure from where we were. Illustration opens up so many creative possibilities and allows us to engage in a different way. It also lets us showcase our entire community including students, staff, parents and even our Therapy Dog Ivy, ” says Belinda.

Exciting things are coming… so watch this space!

Create Your Tomorrow